Drab to Fab: Your Budget-Friendly Bedroom Glow-Up.

By: Homeprettify

Painting the area will give it that brand-new look that you want so much. For a mood, having a great paint accent for getting noticed,a definitive paint color to relax. 

Fresh coat of paint 

The Headboard may be painted, covered with cloth material, or given a new look from repurposed wood. It is also an economical way to add a feature to your area  

DIY Headboard 

Repurpose old furniture. Spruce up the chair with Reglaze, paint it, or replace the knobs to have it the way you want without having to pay a lot of money. 

Upcycled Furniture 

Purchase some new bedding. Look for sales when buying quality pillows, duvets, and also quality sheets that can make your bed look more inviting. 

Affordable Bedding 

Brighten up your place by increasing the illumination. Table lamps, side lamps, and string lights that sit on the bedside table or floor give a comfy and warm glow. 

Lighting Makeover 

It will be better to apply relatively cheap paintings as ornaments. For personal touches in the room, display, DIY items, create a gallery wall, or frame the printable art. 

Affordable Wall Art 

Air purifiers such as succulents, and snake plants are some of the low-maintenance plants that may contribute to bringing life and freshness. 

Include Greenery 

For the living room, to make the bedroom look more homely you can place rugs, blankets, and cushions on the floor. 

Cosy Textiles 

Clear out things that are unwanted. Place your items in a manner that your surroundings are organized and as peaceful as you desire. 

De-clutter and organize 

It is now time to put some of those special features in. To make the space feel like yours, display some of the best reads, healing mementos.

Personal touches 

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