How to Keep Spiders Away While Sleeping?

Spiders can be annoying and frightening to some people while sleeping.

Even in some urban tales, it was said that humans would annually ingest eight spiders while sleeping.

Ignore these urban myths and concentrate on finding ways to keep spiders away from your bed at night.

Knowing that you’ve taken precautions to keep these pests at bay will help you sleep better.

They tend to flock toward items like the closet and, worse still, your bed when seeking out dark places to hide.

There are ways to keep them out of your bed, so you won’t have to wake up to a blanket covered with creepy crawlies.

You are not alone if the thought of having spiders in your bed makes you shudder.

Let’s discuss ways to keep spiders away while sleeping in more detail so you won’t have to be concerned about running into such a circumstance.

13 Ways to Keep Spiders Away from Bed While Sleeping:

1. Regularly wash your sheets:

Regularly wash your sheets

While some pests are drawn to crumbs and other items found on your linens, spiders are not.

The spiders then appear and begin to hunt these creatures as they make an effort to eat.

Washing your bedding on a regular basis will help keep bugs away and stop spiders from cleaning them up.

You should choose a detergent that smells clean and fresh to help keep spiders and other insects away for longer because they are generally deterred by the scent of freshly laundered clothes.

Additionally, scented products like dryer sheets, fabric softeners, and others can be useful.

2. Clean up the bedroom:

Clean up the bedroom

Similar to washing your linens, maintaining a clean bedroom might be beneficial. Dust and vacuum frequently to keep bugs at bay.

Keep in mind that spiders will swarm an area where there are bugs in search of a meal.

So, make sure to periodically take away the garbage, vacuum frequently, and keep the nightstands and other furniture tidy.

Don’t forget to clean the darker areas as well, such as the vents and closets. It’s the ideal place for spiders to hide because of the interior’s cold, dark environment.

You are less likely to discover new spiders in your bedroom the more thoroughly you clean.

3. Do Not Leave Your Sheets on the Floor:

Do Not Leave Your Sheets on the Floor

There is a possibility that your sheets will dangle to the floor, depending on the size of your bed.

While having your sheets hang is frequently more convenient and requires less work, it also provides spiders with an easy way to access your bed while sleeping.

Making your bed each day and tucking your sheets in to prevent them from hanging is the easiest approach to avoid this. Spiders can still climb into your bed, but it won’t be as simple.

4. Check that your walls and windows are properly sealed:

Check that your walls and windows are properly sealed

Another effective method for keeping spiders out of your bed is to seal off the entry sites.

They can squeeze through teeny-tiny gaps in windows and walls that humans might not even be able to perceive.

Fill the openings completely to keep them out of your house. Spiders will squeeze through any openings they can discover to reach your home’s warmth as the weather changes.

By preventing them from entering your house at all, you may keep them out of your bed. This can be accomplished by securely caulking the window and wall hole edges.

This will prevent them from entering your house and staying near your bed.

5. Clean the Space Under Your Bed:

Clean the Space Under Your Bed

Sometimes the issue is not the cleanliness of your bed, but rather the area under your bed.

There is a lot of debris and dust that can collect underneath, including food and skin cells.

Even if your bed is spotless, the clutter under it can still serve as a bug and spider magnet. Try to avoid keeping too much stuff under your bed to avoid.

 It can be a terrific place to store items, but if you leave things down there, they might start to collect dust and dirt.

Additionally, it can make it tough to clean there frequently because of the difficulty of taking such stuff out.

6. Use Boric Acid to Kill Spiders:

Use Boric Acid to Kill Spiders to Keep Spiders Away While Sleeping

When attempting to get rid of spiders, boric acid can be very helpful. It kills spiders if they consume it, in addition to deterring other insects like termites and roaches.

However, bear in mind that this might not be the greatest choice if you have kids or pets because it can be dangerous to them as well if they drink large amounts of it.

The absence of a food supply will typically be enough to keep spiders away from bedroom while sleeping.

Boric acid takes things a step further by causing dehydration and death in spiders who ingest it.

7. Avoid eating in bed:

Avoid eating in bed to Keep Spiders Away While Sleeping

Even though it may be tempting, eating in bed will only bring in pests and leave crumbs on your covers.

Crumbs from dining on top of your comforter can find their way into your bed linens while you sleep.

Nobody is flawless.

We all occasionally eat in bed. This may need to stop if you’re looking for techniques to keep spiders out.

Even while the crumbs on the bed may appear to be innocuous, they are an excellent way to draw bugs.

Additionally, after attracting bugs, you also draw in spiders to consume the bugs.

Even dropped crumbs on the floor present a danger since they draw pests to that area.

They might eventually make their way to your bed after that.

8. Make use of an electronic pest repellent:

Make use of an electronic pest repellent

High-pitched noises released by electronic pest repellers deter a wide variety of insects and pests. Even rodents benefit from it.

Simply plug it into your wall to start using it to keep spiders and other annoyances out of your bedroom while sleeping.

This is a great option if you don’t want to mess around with any traps or chemicals.

Remember that high-pitched noises have been reported to interfere with telephone signals and hearing aids.

Cats and dogs seem unaffected by it, despite the fact that they can hear it. The noise is bad for hamsters, rats, and guinea pigs as pets because it is designed to deter rodents as well.

9. Keep your bed away from the wall and other pieces of furniture:

Keep your bed away from the wall and other pieces of furniture

The majority of objects that contact the ground, including walls, countertops, and tables, are where spiders prefer to move around.

Spiders may utilize your nightstand to access your bed if it is close to it.

Similarly, spiders will have an easier time getting to your bed if your bedding contacts the nightstand.

Make sure your nightstand is set back from your bed at a sufficient distance.

By doing this, you’ll stop spiders from climbing up your nightstand and landing on your mattress.

10. Avoid leaving water on your nightstand:

Avoid leaving water on your nightstand

Water, especially stagnant water, attracts a wide variety of pests. This is because it is a simpler way for them to obtain nutrition.

As a result, spiders are drawn to these sources as well since they are aware that stagnant water frequently indicates a supply of food.

Near lakes and other still bodies of water, you’ll frequently see a lot of spiders outdoors.

Spiders travel to these locations in search of food since a variety of different bugs will gather here to live and eat.

When they get into your house, they’ll look in the same places they would outside for food. This indicates that they are interested in stagnant water sources.

11. Some Essential Oils Can Help Keep Spiders Away while Sleeping:

Some Essential Oils Can Help Keep Spiders Away while Sleeping

Spiders may stay away from your linens if you soak them in some essential oils because they may believe it to be poisonous or dangerous.

You should think about using tea tree oil and lavender among your possibilities.

Being a fantastic relaxant, lavender can help you unwind and sleep better at night by being added to your bedding.

 DC DCI would absolutely suggest this essential oil because it is frequently included in drugs and recipes that aid in falling asleep.

12. Use Vinegar as a Natural Insecticide:

Use Vinegar as a Natural Insecticide to Keep Spiders Away While Sleeping

Similar to peppermint oil, vinegar has a fragrance that repels insects, including spiders. Vinegar should always be diluted before use; else, the scent will be intolerably pungent.

To help keep spiders away, you can also soak your linens in a vinegar combination.

It may not smell the finest, but it is a cheap solution that you most likely already have in your house.

If you have rugs or a carpet, you should think about spraying the vinegar mixture all around your bed. Just to be safe, repeat this procedure for any curtains you may have.

Spraying it on more surfaces increases the likelihood that it will be effective.

13. Call an Exterminator:

Call an Exterminator

The exterminator is by far the last thing you should consider. I only suggest doing this to folks whose homes are overrun with spiders.

Since a professional exterminator completes a thorough job but can be costly, there is no need to call them if you have fewer than a dozen or so spiders.

Also read: No Room for a Nightstand?

FAQ- How to Keep Spiders Away While Sleeping?

Q1. Will leaving the lights on while sleeping prevents spiders?

It’s a good idea to switch off the lights at night so you can sleep better.
Spiders and insects are drawn to light, so when they notice it from the window or from underneath the door, they will try to get into your room.

Q2. Which odour irritates spiders?

Natural solutions are a simple and effective way to repel spiders.
Citrus fruits like lemons and oranges offend these eight-legged critters.
They also dislike vinegar, eucalyptus, tea tree, and peppermint oils.
You may prevent spiders from entering your home by using any of these.

Q3. Do spiders hide in bed sheets?

They are happy to share your space.
Set your bed up: In reality, spiders don’t want to spend time with you because they perceive you as a threat.
Every day while you’re away, if your sheets and blankets are left in a tangled heap, they can decide to explore the hidden spaces and unintentionally stay too long.

Also read: Why Do Bed Bugs Smell When You Kill Them?


Spiders make unpleasant housemates, especially if they crawl into your bed while sleeping.

However, there are a number of techniques to prevent them from disturbing you while you sleep, including keeping your room tidy and laundering your sheets.

The space can be made spotless with a thorough cleaning.

Try repellents like vinegar, aromatic oils, and electrical repellents if you want even more security.

Whatever you decide, keep in mind that deterring other pests is another objective.

Spiders won’t have anything to eat or a motive to visit or remain if there aren’t any other bugs nearby.

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