How High to Mount Tv in Bedroom?

You may choose the ideal height for your TV in the bedroom by taking into account a few things, just as mount a TV in any other room.

The TV that is installed on the wall in the bedroom should be at the right height and within perfect viewing distance.

The distance may vary based on the size of the screen. Additionally, it needs to have a viewing angle that enables you to relax back and enjoy it.

The different parameters influencing the height at which you should place your flat screen will be examined in this article.

It will provide you with the instructions required to put up a screen in your bedroom. Additional hazards exist when placing a flat-screen TV in a room where you sleep.

Let’s start with the decisions you must make:

Choosing the Correct TV Mount Height for a Bedroom:

To determine the ideal height to put a flat-screen TV in your bedroom, you must adhere to certain guidelines.

Choosing the proper height can help with long-term health problems, such as neck stiffness, which can develop chronic if untreated.

Place the TV Mount at Eye Level:

Place the TV Mount at Eye Level

The size of the screen and the dimensions of the space are two criteria that affect the appropriate height for hanging a TV.

But simply placing your screen at eye level, you can make your work easier rather than limiting yourself to difficult maths.

When watching television in the bedroom while seated on the bed, you should measure eye level.

By maintaining the screen at eye level, you can always protect your neck by making sure it is in a neutral and relaxed position.

The eye level may periodically alter if there are disparities in size across the home. You can manage this scenario by calculating the eye level by averaging the heights of the tallest and shortest people.

Observe the Ideal Viewing Distance:

Observe the Ideal Viewing Distance

The ideal viewing distance, which is 2.5 times the size of the TV, should be kept in mind. But keep in mind that the diagonal length, not the TV’s width, determines the size of the screen.

Thanks to technological developments in high-definition television sets, the ideal viewing distance has been dropped to 1.5 times the size of the television.

A 55 or 60-inch (152 cm) television, for example, can be placed 12 feet from where you intend to sit.

A high-definition TV of 70 inches (178 cm) can be placed at the same distance. Just keep in mind to mount it at eye level.

Pick the right height based on style instead of functionality:

Pick the right height based on style instead of functionality

It’s possible that the most aesthetically beautiful site is not always the most practical.

For instance, you might wish to install a flat screen in your bedroom, but after doing the calculations, you might find that the ideal space is occupied by cupboards or shelves.

As a result, you should choose a location that is near the ideal height and viewing distance. Check to see if anything is obstructing your view of the television or the screen.

You shouldn’t always mount your TV at the foot of the bed in the bedroom. The enormous variety of bedroom layouts increases the likelihood that no single configuration will be effective.

If the television is not the focal point, find a reasonable compromise on the height:

There may be a wide range of recommended viewing angles depending on the size of the television.

A nice view from the bedroom window is a prime illustration. In this case, you can compromise on the optimum location by mounting the screen to one side.

Picking the Ideal TV Size for Your Bedroom:

The majority of the discussion when purchasing a television is picking your preferred TV and models with reasonable prices.

However, it is essential to choose a TV that best matches your bedroom are TV sizes keep growing. A huge screen is not always necessary.

Your viewing experience may be hampered if the screen is too big. What specifically should you think about then?

Suitable location:

Suitable location: How High to Mount Tv in Bedroom

You should first consider the television’s optimal position before choosing the appropriate TV size for your bedroom.

Are you going to mount it on the wall, use a stand, or utilize an entertainment centre?

Set the viewing distance:

Set the viewing distance: How High to Mount Tv in Bedroom

The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) claims that criteria for viewing distance have been established for various TV sizes.

By measuring the distance between the TV’s position and where you are seated, you may determine the appropriate screen size.

Your field of view should be filled by the display on the best-sized TV by 30 degrees.

By dividing the sitting distance by 0.625, you can quickly determine the ideal TV size for your bedroom.

A screen’s resolution:

A screen's resolution

You should first think about the screen resolution before deciding on the screen size. Choose televisions with a pixel resolution of at least 720p if your screen size is less than 40 inches (102 cm).

The resolution improves as the screen size increases. Even screens with more pixels, up to 1080p or “full HD,” are available.

Among the most recent resolution technologies is 4K or Ultra HD. You can install the screen closer by having a high screen resolution.

As a result, you can view from considerably closer without the visual quality suffering.

Quality vs. TV Size:

Quality vs. TV Size

Even though you could have dreams of having a huge screen in your bedroom, the type of TV you get will largely rely on your budget.

Huge flat displays may need you to fork over absurdly high sums of money.

Installing a small flat screen that nevertheless provides excellent sound and picture quality is possible if you have a limited budget.

When deciding on the right TV size, you should use prudence. Pick a TV mount size that complements your bedroom size the best. It should provide a large number of pixels so you can watch up close.

Does Your Wall Have Enough Strength to Hold the TV?

Before installing a television, the first thing you should consider is if your wall can support the weight of the screen.

The screws on the wall should be supported by a stud because modern televisions can be rather hefty.

To confirm the locations of the studs in the wall and determine where to place your TV, use a magnetic stud finder because drywall anchors are inadequate to support a flat screen, so you should avoid using them.

There is a good risk that a loud crash in the middle of the night would wake you up if you put a large flat screen on the drywall.

Before you begin the mounting process, make sure you have all the required tools available.

Some of the equipment you need is as follows:

  • Stud finder:

It gives your TV the most support possible, preventing any problems that would arise if you mounted your TV to the drywall.

  • Power drill:

It performs the same task as a screwdriver but facilitates accelerated work.

  • Different Drill Bits:

Depending on the type, some drill bits will drive mounting screws while others will make holes in the drywall.

  • Level:

Making sure your TV is mounted straight helps.

  • Mount:

It aids in mounting your TV to a wall. Ensure that the TV mount is appropriate for the brand and model of your television in the bedroom.

Additionally, you don’t want to have a lot of cables and TV antennas haphazardly strung around the television.

You should therefore think of ways to conceal or cover them to enhance the aesthetic appeal.

Is there a Place to Put Other TV Parts?

Other gadgets connecting to the flat-screen TV are commonplace.

DVD players, gaming consoles, and cable boxes are a few examples of such gadgets. After mounting your screen, you should make sure that these gadgets have a place to call home nearby to shorten the distance between the two.

To hold every extra item, you may either put a stand under the television or choose to construct a shelf directly beneath the television.

How are You Going to Hide the Cords?

If you have too many wires hanging on the wall, it is simple to break your flat screen connection.

The unsightly cords that hang from your wall socket must be managed when mounting a flat-screen TV on the wall.

If more other gadgets are connected to the TV, the cable mess can get even worse. You can hire experts to place the cords on the wall to conceal them.

To stop the cords from trailing all over the place, you can also add a power socket near the television.

If neither of these alternatives is practical, you can choose to tidy and hide the disorganized cords on the wall using a cord cover kit.

Also read: How To Build a False Wall for TV and Fireplace?

FAQ- How High To Mount Tv in Bedroom:

Q1. How Accessible Are the Ports?

The sort of wall mount to buy depends heavily on where the ports are located on your TV.
Consider purchasing a motorized wall mount that can stretch outward if the TV has ports on the back.
It will make it simpler for you to quickly access the rear of the flat screen.
It is especially crucial if you wish to access the ports without taking the television off its mount.

Q2. How high should my TV be mounted above my dresser?

Put the TV as near as you can to the viewer’s eye level but still provide room for impediments.
4 to 6 inches above bookcases or an entertainment centre might be a good clearance—roughly the same height at which you’d hang a mirror over a dresser.

Q3. What Viewing Angle Do You Have?

Mounting your TV at eye level when seated on the bed is strongly advised but how do you change your stance when you wish to?
You could occasionally feel more motivated to watch TV lying down than sitting. Other times, the sun’s rays can make your screen glare, which might hurt your eyes.
In these situations, you might wish to use a motorized wall mount that can change positions.
With a setup, you can position your TV however you desire to depend on where you are sitting.

Also read: How To Mount TV on Wall without Showing the Wires?


The best TV installation choice is to mount the TV in the bedroom, you can arrange the screen so that you have clear visibility in addition to saving space.

To prevent any installation catastrophes, it would be better if you had a good mounting strategy.

Additionally, if you want to fit the interior design, the calculations to find the ideal places to mount the TV might be very difficult and perplexing.

When working while seated on the bed, mount your screen so that it is at eye level. It shouldn’t make your neck or back uncomfortable to watch.

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