Is It Safe to Have Plants in Your Bedroom?

Plants are a terrific choice if you’re searching for something to brighten up your bedroom and make your sleeping area a little better & safe, but keeping plants in the bedroom a good or bad idea?

Plants in the bedroom are beneficial because they are calming, help purify the air, practice mindfulness, and bring a bit of harmony with nature.

They can hurt your pets and mess with your feng shui, hence it can also be negative.

Keeping plants in the bedroom has many health benefits, hence many people like to do so.

 However, if you practice feng shui or have pets (especially cats), it’s not a good idea to have plants in the bedroom.

You will learn about safe plants in your bedroom, the pros and cons of having plants in your bedroom and much more.

What Plants are best in the Bedroom?

It’s easy to get confused by all the options when starting your search for a houseplant.

 I’ve included some common bedroom plants, such as spider plants, lavender, and peace lilies to help you narrow your search.

The most crucial thing to keep in mind is to pick an activity you enjoy.

Spider Plants:

Spider Plants

Spider plants are hardy plants with pencil-like striped leaves.

I suggest the spider plant if you’re seeking a tough houseplant that doesn’t mind harsh conditions.

By collecting leaves to grow new plants, you can sell or give away spider plants.


Lavender: Is It Safe to Have Plants in Your Bedroom

Whether you’ve used it in sleep aids or bath treatments, have you considered using it fresh?

Water your lavender plant just when the soil is dry; avoid overwatering it.

Keep your lavender plants outdoors; Otherwise, you run the risk of injuring them.

Each day, lavender plants require a few hours of direct sunlight.

Peace Lily:

Peace Lily: Is It Safe to Have Plants in Your Bedroom

Not recommended if you have a cat, but otherwise a lovely accent in a contemporary bedroom.

Your peace lilies need bright light to bloom best, but they are incredibly hardy and can tolerate low light.

Your peace lily should be divided every few years, and it should only be watered when the soil is dry.


Succulents are low maintenance and come in a range of sizes, colours, and shapes.

Drinking too much water will damage them, though it’s easier to drink too much water than drown your juices.

If you want a plant that won’t feel out of place, succulents are a good option. He won’t suffer because of your negligence!

Advantages of Plants in the Bedroom:

In addition to other advantages, having plants in the bedroom can promote relaxation and clean air.

Many individuals prefer to have safe plants in their bedroom, which is associated with common mindfulness and meditation techniques.

Bringing some of the outsides inside is excellent if you live in a city or an apartment.

Having plants in your bedroom has the following benefits:

They are relaxing:

They are relaxing: Is It Safe to Have Plants in Your Bedroom

We find comfort in plants because we identify them with nature and open space.

When you look at a plant, your skin feels a gentle breeze and a stream of crystal-clear water.

The presence of plants makes your living environment more pleasant. If you are relaxed and sleep well, you will worry less and experience fewer minor ailments.

They help in air purification:

They help in air purification: Is It Safe to Have Plants in Your Bedroom

Our indoor air is frequently contaminated by pollutants from neighbourhood fires, industry, and central heating.

Plants absorb some toxic substances and eliminate carbon dioxide from the air. Having some plants around is a surefire way to purify the air you breathe as they also emit oxygen.

They make excellent companions for mindfulness and meditation.

Nowadays, many people adopt mindfulness techniques like meditation to improve their physical and mental health. People all across the world engage in spiritual practices, which share a close link with plants.

Many practitioners turn to plants to aid in their mindfulness or meditation practices.

There is a touch of nature inside:

There is a touch of nature inside

If you spend a lot of time indoors or spend a lot of time outdoors, some houseplants will enhance your mood.

 By bringing in a little piece of nature, you can improve your mood, relax and improve sleep quality as well as enhance a dull space.

 If you are unable to keep pets, plants are safe in your bedroom because they are still fun to care for.

Disadvantages of Plants in the Bedroom:

Even though many people find plants to be peaceful, it is advised against using plants in the bedroom if you practice feng shui.

 According to many feng shui experts, plants are bad for bedroom feng shui because they attract allergens, bugs, and other things that you don’t want to share your space with.

The disadvantages of keeping plants in the bedroom are as follows:

Involves extra work and confusion:

Involves extra work and confusion

Despite our desire for plants to be completely independent, this does not happen. They will need regular watering and you may need to prune or repot some varieties.

Additionally, you need to pay attention to how much light they get, which can make integrating them into your space more challenging.

If you have children or pets, they will rake leaves or spill water or soil.

They are not equal to animals:

They are not equal to animals

Before bringing home any plants if you have pets, do your research as many types of flowers, plants and foods are poisonous to animals.

Cats are particularly susceptible to poisoning, and many common plants, including lilies, can be dangerous to house cats.

For example, catmint is great because it won’t hurt your cat and your cat will love it.

If you want to pair cats with plants, I suggest the YINUOWEI Cat Planters on Amazon. If cats aren’t your thing, consider cows or woodland critters as they come in a variety of animals.

It brings outsiders in:

It brings outsiders in

One of their main drawbacks is the fact that some outside plants penetrate.

Keeping plants indoors can cause a variety of problems, including insects, pests, unwanted dampness, dried foliage, and soil erosion.

There are many benefits to having plants in your bedroom, however, if you don’t mind the occasional bee throughout the day.

It spoils your feng shui:

Feng Shui practitioners do not appreciate placing plants in the bedroom because they encourage upward movement, which is the opposite of sleep.

Plants, according to feng shui, promote activity, movement, and vitality and disrupt your peaceful, pleasant sleeping environment.

Although many people find plants calming, it is recommended to avoid them in the bedroom if you practice feng shui.

Also read: How to Divide a Bedroom into Two Rooms?

FAQ: Is It Safe to Have Plants in Your Bedroom?

Q1. What proportion of plants is right for my bedroom?

Using a 3 by 3-meter space: Two plants can lead to 50% better mental health and up to 75% cleaner air.
The most beneficial number of plants to have in a space this size for your health and well-being is five.

Q2. Is it okay to sleep with plants in your bedroom?

A small amount of oxygen is taken in, and carbon dioxide is expelled (figures will be given and explained a little later).
This demonstrates that having plants in your bedroom is completely safe.

Q3. What plants are lucky in the bedroom?

It’s best to keep lucky plants out of the bedroom.
However, some plants like bamboo, peace lily, jasmine, and lavender can be accommodated in the bedroom.

Also read: How To Decorate a Slanted Wall Bedroom?


In this article, I evaluate the safe plants in your bedroom, their merits & demerits of keeping indoor plants in your bedroom and offer suggestions on varieties of plants to buy.

 If you practice feng shui, I do not recommend placing plants in your bedroom as they will hurt the space.

You can grow houseplants in the bedroom in addition to any other room in the house if you are a plant lover or someone who practices mindfulness.

Keep an eye out for any allergens and plants that are toxic to pets in your home.

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